Summer is coming to a close quickly for me. Today I had a workshop and then I go back to work on Wednesday. That means I have this weekend and Monday and Tuesday to get the last of my summer list of things done. Unfortunately this weekend is a family reunion. I am thinking I may just not go even though it will make my mom unhappy. I also have a dog who needs attention and medicine at certain times of the day. I also don't want to spend my last weekend of summer in a car driving for many hours.
Since summer is ending it also means my time in grad school is also ending. Even though it is almost over, I still have several assignments to get done. One assignment is due on Saturday and is relatively simple. The others are my research paper that is due by Tuesday and another assignment called a Thought Piece which is due next week as well. It seems like I have less of a desire to get these last assignment done than I have for anything else in all of my classes.
22. Lone Wolf Gets a Pet
1 day ago